Donnerstag, 1. September 2011

Let Your Love Grow

I heard a story about a little girl who was carefully saving her allowance money so she could buy something special at the toy store. She didn't have much, only a few dollars, but one day her daddy took her to the store. She was overwhelmed by endless aisles filled with games, dolls, and trinkets. Finally, a particular item caught her eye, and she knew it was exactly what she wanted—a lovely strand of white, plastic pearls. She made her purchase and immediately went home to show off her treasure. She was so proud of that necklace. She wore it every day for several weeks. Her father saw this as an opportunity to teach her about trust, so one day he asked her, "Honey, will you give me your pearls?" "No, Daddy, I love my pearls!" she replied. "I can't give you my pearls!" Her father didn't mention the pearl necklace for several days, and then he asked again, "Sweetie, do you trust me?"
"Yes, Daddy." "Will you give me your pearls?" And again she answered," No, Daddy, I can't give you my pearls!" Several more days passed, and the father went a third time to his daughter. "Do you trust me? Will you give me your pearls?"
Finally, with tears welling in her eyes, she reluctantly took off her beloved plastic pearls and handed them to her father. "Here, Daddy. You can have my pearls." Immediately, the father pulled from his pocket a small blue box and handed it to his daughter. Her eyes grew wide with excitement as she opened it to find the most gorgeous strand of genuine pearls. As he fastened the pearls around her neck, the father said, "I had these special pearls for you all along; all you had to do was trust me."
Is there something you are holding on to today that is keeping you from God's best? If you'll trust Him and let go of what's in your hand, an exchange will take place. God will let go of what's in His hand for you—peace, strength, wisdom, favor, and more. He'll give you exactly what you need.
Remember, God is taking you on a journey of faith. Be open to seeing things from a new perspective. Don't settle for second best when God has so much more. All you have to do is learn to trust in Him!

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV).



Always be grateful for those people in your life who gives you
L O V E  because they don't have to, but they choose to !!!    

Liebe Grüße

9 Kommentare:

  1. What a lovely post, Elvira! I sure don't ever want to miss out on God's best for me, so I try not to hold anything back! Such wonderful truth you have shared here! I love your heart for our Lord!!

    Have a delightfully blessed day!

  2. Wunderschöne Bilder hast Du in Deinem Blog. Bin wirklich begeistert.


  3. Du Liebe, Danke Dir für diesen wunderbaren Post!!!
    So ist es, Sachen oder Mensche, die uns am liebsten sind umklammern wir, dabei haben wir noch viel zu lernen.
    Lieben, nachdenklichen Gruß

  4. So eine entzückende Geschichte. Meine heutige gute Nachtgeschichte war das eben;-)


  5. Liebe Elvira,

    danke, für diese Geschichte. Alles liegt in Gottes Händen. Liebe Grüße Manuela

  6. Bezaubernd!!!!
    Ich wünsche dir ein herrliches Wochenende!!

  7. Hallo meine Liebe,
    eine wirklich schöne Geschichte. Ich kannte sie noch nicht.
    Da konnte ich doch gleich wieder mal ein bisschen mein Englisch trainieren.
    Und wunderschöne Fotos hast Du gemacht.
    Liebsten Gruß

  8. Alles Gute kommt von Gott! Daran will ich mich auch jeden tag erinnern!
    Vielen Dank für das Posten der Geschichte.

    Liebe Grüße


Freue mich über jeden lieb gemeinten Kommentar :-)